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Friday, February 16, 2007

Results have been released, and well people feel either sad or happy.
Im well...neither. Just plain normal. Now im waiting for the release of the posting.
Hope all goes well. =/
Now, theres still time to play around a bit more before people do start school.
Valentines Day has just past and ha i spend quite the time today figuring something out
which i would think that everyone has already seen on television.
The ferrero rocher commercial, yes everybody, the foil turned into a rose.
I just figured somehow and somewhat folded the foil into a rose (note somewhat alike)
Oh well, what a way to spend time...ha

Love is in the air....o.0

Evirobbed at:, 2:03 AM

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Hmm i think i should make a list of guitarists that i look up to..
here goes...

Greatest Guitarist
Paul Gilbert
A very down to earth guy, comedic and absolute expressive guitarist. A lot of skill
and really creative in his progessions. Great Guy

Most Technical
John Petrucci
As the heading says it, very technical directed, he performs perfect,
flawless, overspeeded solos. Amazing.

Most Soulful
Joe Satriani
A guy who does the solos with a lot of feeling yes yes.

B.B King

Greastest Creativity
Matthew Bellamy
Guitarist from my favourite band Muse.
He is the master at utilizing effects to his advantage. Astounding.

Evirobbed at:, 2:01 AM

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Restaurant Review!
Hey people! Time for today's restaurant review!
Botak Jones is the name of the joint, its not a high class, posh, nicely furnished
restaurant. But its a nice place tucked under a HDB blocked. Though small, many
customers still patronize the place because of their simply
unresistable western cuisine. Its located at Ang mo Kio ill put down the address
once i get it again, it's pretty near my house, how near? Just cross the street and a
little stroll down the path and im there. How lucky xD
They have a wide variety of western cuisine to satisfy those taste buds.
I've tried their fish and chips and i tell you as their shirt would tell you
Service is pretty organised, and theres nice music for you to listen if
you are taking away. Overall it's a great joint for some casual dining at a
DAMM GOOD price. Gotta try it to believe it.

Their fries are spiced!

Evirobbed at:, 11:40 AM

Monday, February 05, 2007

It's all about the Passion
I've been playing the guitar for quite the period of time already
and gained lots of experience and gear from it all.
I have been doing a lot of testing and comparing during the days of January of 2007.
Looking for a new rig ain't exactly easy. A lot of hoping, waiting,
testing, comparing, research has to be done into selecting a fine
guitar for one's needs.
Well, ive done just that and i'm pleased. I tell you along the way,
i discovered the kind of equipment i need and well i went along with it
and the results are satisfactory. Yeah!
And thus today i've finally got my new rig that i've researched and tested for
so long to come to this model and make. This is going to be with me for a long long time......oh yeah......the tremolo system on this beast is killer! Love it!
Case Closed

Beautiful.. white and pure....

Evirobbed at:, 10:21 PM

Sunday, February 04, 2007

i thought i might just give this little thing a try....

You are The Sun

Happiness, Content, Joy.

The meanings for the Sun are fairly simple and consistent.

Young, healthy, new, fresh. The brain is working, things that were muddled come clear, everything falls into place, and everything seems to go your way.

The Sun is ruled by the Sun, of course. This is the light that comes after the long dark night, Apollo to the Moon's Diana. A positive card, it promises you your day in the sun. Glory, gain, triumph, pleasure, truth, success. As the moon symbolized inspiration from the unconscious, from dreams, this card symbolizes discoveries made fully consciousness and wide awake. You have an understanding and enjoyment of science and math, beautifully constructed music, carefully reasoned philosophy. It is a card of intellect, clarity of mind, and feelings of youthful energy.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.

Evirobbed at:, 3:35 PM

One Day in School
As requested by Adam, this post will be how my life partook a change because
of a certain thing that revolves around everyone from young to old, music.
Yes, it's music, it changed my life, well okay not very much but i really went into
the direction of music, not by listening but playing.
It all started say Sec3, Aloysius, ah good old Aloy taught me to play a few
chords and a coldplay song when i asked him to teach me, it wasn't easy of course.
Nothing is easy in this world, and so then i started to pick up the guitar.
I'm telling you i wasn't much of a music junkie.
From P1 until Sec3? i wasn't good at any instrument at all, man deciding to take on
the guitar? What a challenge it was. So, that was how i started going serious
on an instrument. And so i practiced at home when i have the time, it was something fulfilling, learning a simple song was so exhilarating. Day by day, i was just practising chords and practically the same stuff, thanks to Aloy for teaching me
this wonderful instrument. Then ONE DAY IN SCHOOL when i was Sec4(see how it links =x), Adam asked me to come along for a jamming session, with some E1 guy called Wei Chiang and a Sec3 drummer called Savin, when all gathered we all headed down to a nearby jamming studio called Sound Laboratory or SoundLabs for short.
It was a really cool studio, nice place, spacious, very nice equipment and at that time i didn't even know what Marshall, Roland, Ampeg etc etc. was.
It was probably the first time i touched the electric guitar in a very very very
long time, i thought it would be very different as all i played and practiced on
was acoustics and classicals heck i didn't even know how to differeniate those 2 back then. My god i sure have come a long way. But anyways we jammed the songs they asked me to learn, thank god it was a few chords, and it also the first time i got
exposed to an effect pedal, IT was practically the first time i ever got myself
exposed to this kind of thing jamming.
And so my passion for music just grew so damm fast. Learned so many things,
researched on a lot of stuff which i don't want to mention
cause im lazy to type =x
Thus, i pretty much got hooked onto guitaring, so much so ive overtook Aloysius
but hey a big shoutout to my master!!
Jamming and bands, ive been to gigs organised by my friends and stuff and yeah
picked up a lot of stuff along the way.
Now even Joel and Laurent are going musical because of a little jam session
when Aloy, Joel, Laurent and I were bored so i suggested why not jam,
so we went in played for an hour, came out and Aloy said let's form a band
and thus everything just took off from there. Joel is becoming a pretty decent bessist and Laurent he is just picking up the drums fast.
A lot of things happened after the day i had my first jamming session with Adam and gang, and right now i just want to keep on honing those skills.
Thats pretty much my musical history, as Laurent said.......
A self taught intermediate. Cheers....

Evirobbed at:, 2:44 PM


16 years

The Chats

The Pasts