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Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Restaurant Review!
Hmmm, i think i shall start reviews on restaurants now.
It's a good thing as i guess it could inform everyone on nice makan places.
So for all who loves to makan, this review would be on.....
SUSHITEI @ Paragon
It's a nice restaurant, with very helpful staff. The table i was on was pretty small
but its good enough if you don't order Sukiyaki(japanese hotpot).
The food was fresh and good, all coming in nice and hot.
The thing is, it's all too fast, so i guess it could help asking them to serve slower?
Ha, just a suggestion anyways.
Yeah, it was a really filling meal there, and leaves no customer unsatisfied.
I would recommend this to all Japanese food lovers.
Guess thats about it, maybe i should start reviewing guitar effect pedals.
Watch out for it! =x

Evirobbed at:, 8:52 PM

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Yes, today is the day MUSE performed live! at fort canning park.
It was the SHOW people! THE SHOW! It was powerful, hyper and many other
stuff that i just can't put it in words. Its just fucking awesome. Gotta listen and watch to believe. How good you ask, my ears are still ringing as i blog, hows that for a rating.
To see my favourite band of all time, live was just unbelievable.
A total mindblower.
MUSE has lived up to its name of being the best band live.
If they come again i'll definitely go down to watch again.
They are just pure amazement on stage.
I don't wanna talk about the crowd, man it was packed but i believe only a
majority have really listened to all of MUSE' creations.
Smokers please if you want to go to hell earlier call me ill quicken the
process for you thank you.
MUSE LIVE! They come down again, go catch them, its well worth the money!

Evirobbed at:, 12:22 AM

Sunday, January 14, 2007

The Old Days
Last Friday, i headed down to O'lando's for a little jam session with Adam
and Laurent. Then we headed down to school for the CCA Fair.
Boy oh boy did it bring back memories, seeing all the students all setting up,
well actually the time i got there they were almost done with their booths.
So it was any ordinary CCA Fair, everyone was all busy running around to
promote and persuade people to join their CCAs.
Honestly, there werent much to see at school. Take about 20mins and one
would have seen every CCA SGSS has to offer. I walked around looking for teachers
to say hello to. Heh, the setback for the fair was that it rained oh so
heavily. Being in school brings back some old memories. Well that's about all i can rant for today, MUSE is coming down just 2 more days people.
Oh look who is here to wave goodbye.. lol

Evirobbed at:, 5:49 PM

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Compilations Again
Heh, I have to compile everything in one post since i have neglected blogging
for a while. The cause yearning for something so musical.
Anyways back to the rant, where shall i start. Ok i guess i'll
just start from the Chalet that took place on Saturday and the venue:
East Coast Park.
I had to head down to Lucas'place first to meet up with everyone.
Played a bit of xbox. Dead or Alive ultimate, it is a nice
fighting title but still a bit too limited on what one can do.
After all was settled and everyone accounted for, we all headed down to
East Coast Park. Cheng Yang brought his aged-to-perfection Epiphone Les Pual
and a Zoom Multi Effect board, top of the range to the chalet with him.
Woot, had quite a bit of fun with it. I had to leave in the evening because
of some temple dinner. Man oh man, what a moment, only 3 people to one big table.
My dad, my uncle and me. What The Hell.
Good thing we left after the last dish and didn't stay for dessert. I myself didn't
want to stick around long anyways. DEATH TO ALL SMOKERS.
Went back home, took a shower packed a bit of stuff and brought my guitar along
back to the chalet. I stayed over for a night, we had quite a bit of booze.
Chivas was great. BBQ food was good too. Nice chicken wings yes.
I didn't sleep on that night. So did Cheng, Lucas, Aloy and Lucas' friend, Timothy.
The next day, about 10-11am Aloy, Yilong and i packed up and left the chalet.
Haha, we aloy and i were like high and talked about anything and everything
without holding back. Guess it was due to fatigue. I headed directly down to my cousin's house as there was yet again another party going down. To celebrate the
coming of the new year. Great food, average entertainment, at least got to see
his drumset. I guess it should be enough for you laurent. Too bad no china cymbal.
And that was it for that day. A DAMM FREAKING LATE HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL!! xD
Hmmm, the next event i can think of was a jamming session, if im not wrong =/
It was the session that could mark the tiny spark for the band to start becoming
known. The making of the originals.
Then there was a leisure ride to East Coast with Weisheng and Taufiq. Nice day to ride, Monday. Windy and not too hot but the tide was horrfiyingly high. o.0
And after that i can't really remember any more significant events.
Well ill post some pictures, till next time.

A Typical Yamaha Drumset

East Coast Skies

Evirobbed at:, 11:18 PM


16 years

The Chats

The Pasts