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Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Merry X'Mas!
Ok, this post has been overdued.
I shall start from last week, Saturday.
Went for the christmas service that i promised tim. It was a really good christmas
service. That was a drama production done for the service. It was funny,
entertaining and heart warming as well. After the service, the group headed down
to the carnival to have food and fun. Well, all i got was food though, i had
to leave early for my cousin's gathering. The food was not all that bad. Katong
Laksa. Yum.
Sunday, BBQ day. Preparations for the bbq were done earlier in the day, then
of course everything started as evening arrived, good thing the rain hadn't dampened
our humble little christmas eve party. It was a great bbq overall.
Monday, Christmas Day!! I guess it was a pretty uneventful one for me. Nothing much
going on plain ol' Monday.
Tuesday, damm what went on Tuesday...............jamming day.
Went to O'lando's to jam our hearts out. FUN jam. Nice songs done on the day
and loads of new ideas and creations emerged from the 2hours.
Wednesday, is movie day! Watched Night at the Musuem.
It was a great film! 5 out of 5 stars!! Go catch it!
Well thats about it.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Folks.

Evirobbed at:, 1:08 AM

Monday, December 18, 2006

It has been a real learning experience into the realm of one religion on Saturday.
We all live in a world where religion is part of everyone's life. With the
exception of free-thinkers.
People choose to believe because, for one thing i do know, they want to be receieved
somewhere when they go and not be in a dark void.
Singapore is a multi religious society. We live with it. No riots.
Christianity was what i went for on a normal Saturday afternoon.
Well before that i went to meet up with Timothy and group because he told me
there was this little game going on and wanted me to join in.
Being a good sport of course i went. Nothing but a little social fun on a Saturday.
The game was basically fly everywhere in a MRT. We went to about 4 stops.
Taking photos and videos. It was quite entertaining. Made more friends in
the process. Cool.
So after the game, the whole group went on to Singapore Expo where the service will
be held. Timothy told me there were just to many people to hold in chruch so
no choice but to hold it in the Expo hall to accomodate all.
The service was basically the same, songs of praise and worship and after that
the teachings. Except it was so much more hyper and so much more bigger.
I could feel the intensity of everyone's connection with God.
I would say it was a really good service.
But, as with all religions, it takes time for one to accept, to understand, to be
prepared for the commitments and most important to believe.
Im in deep thoughts....
After the service, the group went for dinner, and did a little socializing
before we headed home. I went to Orchard to meet my parents in Tangs
and it was really late. I myself can't believe they shopped that late.
To my surprise, when i met up with them, my Mom got me to go buy a new pair of jeans and guess what, Levis.
I was shocked, OKAY!?!? WOW!?!? So thus my first pair of Levis. In response to Davids post on Fashion Matters, well fashion chose me. Did that sound right?
Oh well, Fate. It's a wonderful thing. By the way, for Joel if you see this,
there was cosplay going on at expo. Pure Eye Opener in a bad way man..
I guess your right Singapore Cosplay people, very hard to find good ones.
Trying to be Jap School Girls....

Hi I Am Timothy...

The Group (part of it)

Evirobbed at:, 12:28 AM

Saturday, December 16, 2006

MidMonth Folks
Yes it is the already into the middle of December folks and i must say
it has been very slow paced, now in our hands a whole load of time,
it has become a task to find things to entertain the individual.
Some off to work, some slacking at home, and some well i don't really know
anymore what they could possibly be doing, cause i myself am out of things
to do =.=
It's been raining so oft nowadays.
Working out at home with the excercise machine was the only thing i could do
with the package of push-ups and crunches included =x
Everyday just like that, it hasn't been really an entertaining December
with the exception of Bong's Gig and the party at Ministry of Sound.
I miss jamming, i really do. T_T
Good news Laurent, my cousin is going to get his Drumset by Christmas
which means FREE JAMMING STUDIO!! xDDDD well actually house gah whatever.
So December, ah yes, the party month( not really happening for me )
People are going on holidays, shopping frenzies for christmas, Barbeques
and whatever you can think of which society will go engaging in December.
AH YES going back about Bong's Gig haha i'm forgot to blog about it.

It was a good gig, much better than last year's Moron Madness Gig.
This year's title was AudioRojak not a bad name if i should say so myself.
Caracal really got the crowd wild. They were awesome. Too bad one of their
members Field had to leave due to NS.
Well i've been doing a little something for one night. An experiment.
I KNOW you have eaten packet noodles before and PACKET noodles usually
you would have to cook via pot.
But now there is faster, hassle free way to cook your noodles!
WARNING: It only works with the smaller packets examples include
MAGGI and thai brands of tom yam noodles. Just small would do.
Not like your KIM CHI or UDON packet noodles those taste best when
cooked by the conventional way.
So, what i have used is a packet of Tom Yam Flavoured instant noodles.
It's some thai brand. Then take a big bowl and throw everything in it, noodles, seasoning.
Next take a big book, the larger the better, preferably something that will cover the whole bowl and must block the heat in. Pour in hot water from your hot water dispenser into the bowl and quickly cover it with the book
I used this book cause it was big enough to cover the bowl =P

The noodles before it gets covered by the book....


The End Product YUM!

Well I found it real interesting, i was able to get the same taste from doing
this and NO i did not get diarrhea the next day from this method.
I didnt have to wash any pots and all i had to do was wait for 5-7mins and
And there you have it, you can cook up a midnight supper while watching
your favourite anime without disturbing your folks.
Enjoy my friends.

Evirobbed at:, 1:32 AM

Thursday, December 14, 2006

It's raining....

Evirobbed at:, 12:52 AM

Saturday, December 09, 2006

FLOW @ Ministry Of Sound
Music, girls, lights, bars, drinks. The common sights in the Singapore's hottest
clubbing area, Clarke Quay. A place that changes its pace in the night.
FLOW was the event that happened on that Tuesday night 5/12/2006.
Local bands were the main highlight for the Main Arena in MOS. The line up
was great for that night, all except for just one band.
The hosts... Miss Earth Singapore o.0 and Paul2Hill =.=
Ah well. What i was there for was the music. But of course, this wasn't what i
went for before the gig. I met up with everyone at Plaza Singapura
and it was around say 4 near 5pm and we had plenty of time to spare/waste before
MOS. So we all headed down to the nearby Meridien for a game of pool.
We were playing for about 2-3hrs. Then we went to walk around for a while to waste
a bit more time, ah yes who can forget about dinner. xD
When the time came, we headed down to Ministry of sound for FLOW!
When we arrived, gah! the queue as usual, had to wait quite a period of time
before we could enter and as usual security to ensure that people
with the requirements were allowed in. So the under 16 people had to
pray goddess of luck was with them to support their bags of ideas to get in.
So inside, Aloysious, Cedric, Luke and I were in first, and the first band we watched was TIEN, their band name was some abbreviation and i can't really
remember the whole thing. Every band really rocked out and sounded really
solid. Accurate playing, clear vocals and all in timing made this event
a great experience for both performers and audience. All except for one band
that didn't really appeal to the crowd. 2 words for them SAD CASE. Seraph was
the group's name, dressed all japan punk like, with the fancy hairdo
leather gear and chic guitars boasting for attention didn't really work out
for them. But hey, respects for being able to play that night.
So the night of partying went on until about 2am. That was about the time i had to leave. I could last the whole night, but when it's time to go you gotta go. =x
About late nights, after my exams, ive been having them frequently, i'm trying not to stay up too late, i want some energy!! xD
Overall, it was an enjoyable night. Fun and Fatigue xD
Of course what's a day without the captured memories.
So here are some.
Pool Time


Outside Ministry Of Sound

TIEN First Band for the night
notice the lingerie on the Guitar and mike lol



West Grand Boulevard

Bryan's back with WGB!!

Plain Sunset
High energy band i say, rocked!

Concave Scream

Divine 9 From Australia

That's the line up for you.
I seriously can't wait for my band to get together again to jam. Sighs.
Signing out. Week 2 of December about to start.

Evirobbed at:, 12:34 AM


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