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Wednesday, November 29, 2006

The Very Long Post!?
Ok, fine it's not going to be that long, i mean look at the time it's already 4am!!
So i haven't blogged the whole week until midweek this week that's 3 of the word "week" repeated wow =.=
Anyways, i shall start from last week Monday, it was the day all sec4/5 students loved and adored the end of the O'lvls. The parties and possibly sexual delights? start.
Hmm but of course i not a bad guy xDD So after the last paper, i went on to shop for the necessary stuff to prepare for the jamming session in the evening, batteries and stuff. Then CSed all the way till the time came to ready up to meet my fellow
band mates to go jam. It was a 3 hrs straight jam and it was shoik! Thanks Chermms for dropping by xD For more details on the jam go to our band blog xD
Then we had "dinner" at longhouse and at that time it was already 10+ i think xP
Tuesday, now what did i do on that day...well ok i did nothing just stayed at home.
lol if anyone remembers tell me xD
Wednesday, jammed again xD but this time with my other band Blinded Edge, we did 3 songs in total and it was quite the learning experience, gained a little bit of
knowledge of transposing, gah that thing is hard. Then Adam dropped by my house after jamming and we watched Dream Theater DVD!! Powerful band i say! They never make a mistake and their 1 song is very long, can last up to 30mins and i kid you not. Then in the evening went to school for CO night, it's NCC stuff watch our juniors performing their skits, very funny their skits are this year. Yup, then after CO night we went to play Lan for fun xD
Look at Adam's massive bass! It's 6 Strings!!

Thursday, was my bike ride. Had to wake up at like er, 7am+, then checked my gear that i prepared the night before, then set off for school first to watch the parade
to welcome the new CO into our school.
After the parade, Weisheng, Aloy and i set off for Yio Chu Kang Mrt to meet everyone
for the ride, Levi was late =.= but anyways all gathered we set off for the ride.
Man, not riding for a long time is bad, by the time we finished the ride we are dying just like 1mm from passing out. Old already...=.=
Then we headed off for Macs and to our taste buds it was heaven, we need to energize and rest up.....badly. So after resting, we were still very tired and taufik's tire burst. So we had to walk all the way to Tay Junction which is the
bike shop that is hot in bukit timah area, very nice place, with tons of high end stuff, the measure of high end, if you sell every single item at the original price you'd be able to buy a terrace and a car for yourself. Very Cool Stuff.
So we got the tire changed, we were ready to move off, then the rain came. =.=
So we waited till it was light drizzle period then chiong to another shelter before it became heavy again. It was a really fun but tiring ride but heck it was a nice day. Thanks to the gods that it didn't rain during the trail or things could have
become hell(mud galore)
Friday was recuparating day from Thursday, i took the day to rest and just chilled so played a whole lot of games and Final Fantasy 12, fantastic game very nice graphics very hot girls.
Well that's about it for the week oh yes some pictures from the ride to end the post
Goodbye and Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening/Night
I've lost my sense of time =/
My reward for not spending 90% of my time on the com before last paper

The Riders of Thursday's Ride From Left: Taufik, Levi, Aloysious, Weisheng, Me

The Trail Part of it

Evirobbed at:, 4:07 AM

Sunday, November 19, 2006

What the &*%^ is wrong with you g#$gle!? Would you stop messing around with people's blogs. You guys are such ^$%^$%^%@ $%#$^#@$% im really pissed. $@#%%$ to hell you @$@#$@#$ =.= My layout is #@$@% #@$@%$#@ thanks to you g#$gle.. so please !@$##@%#@
!@$@#%$ off....

Evirobbed at:, 2:17 AM

The day went by pretty much uneventful, from the morning to the afternoon.
Never really did much, except read a bit of physics, then sleep.
Then comes evening and my parents told me that we were going to watch
the French Musical Notre Dame 'De'Paris
Ai'seh good show bravo!! Their voices were mind blowing and powerful and the
acrobatics were wonderful. A show worthy to be watched again, oops i should say
PERFORMANCE!! It's sad that i couldnt get any good shots, heh i had to be sneaky
and stuff and the photos didn't really turn out great. Besides its a no photo taking this so my in performance shot ain't the clearest thing on earth. =/
Before Perfomance

Best In Performance Shot

After Show the Outside

Good Night Folks..time to turn out the lumiare.. xD

Evirobbed at:, 2:13 AM

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Its Time to kick up your afterburners!!
Right, im going active soon, again. After monday over, all party spread loose!!
16/17 yearolds will be rejoicing and flying out of school after 9am.
Well for the Dnt students it'll be a different story so all the best for your Dnt paper.
There really isn't much for me to rant about at this point of time.. cause there isn't much
going on except that it's all going to be over in about 50hrs?
So, monday is the Combined Sciences MCQ, i know a lot of people will not bother to study,
but heck i'll mug till the end, so my com will be off for 2 whole days!! WONDERFUL!!
Having it off, has it's advantages too. It will be shown after Monday, yeahh. xD
Alright, when anything happening pops up it will appear till then....
A Typical 16yrold's Room?

=/ i haven't had the time to clean up yet =/ oh well this is before =x lol..

Evirobbed at:, 1:12 AM

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Meebo! and WTH? Blogger moved together with Google?!?

Right this is weird. o.0 im confused... =.=
What in the world is going on right now.... gahh 3 more F******* papers to go
and it's in to the party period plus worrying too but oh well whats over is over
my mum always tells me that. Going to start posting again on a somewhat daily basis? heh..

Evirobbed at:, 1:14 PM

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

This looks fun...
1. Put your music player on shuffle.
2. Press forward for each question.
3. Use the song title as the answer to the question even if it doesn’t make sense. NO CHEATING!
4. Tag 5 at their tagboard to ask them to do this!
5. Bold the questions and with the answers, give your own comments on how it relates to the questions.

How are you feeling today? [An ode to a stranger - The Message ]
messaged? o.0
Will you get far in life? [Stone Temple Pilots - Intersate Love Song]
How do your friends see you? [Oasis - fucking in the bushes]
Wow. nice.
Will you get married? [Goo Goo Dolls - Iris]
Wa beautiful song, good sign... xD
What your best friend’s theme song? [Muse - Space Dementia]
WaaA? he must be confused.... o.0
What is the story of your life? [Oasis - Put yer money where yer mouth is]
o.0 harsh reality man...
What was high school like? [Melee - The Curse]
How can you get ahead in life? [Pillows - Advice ]
With advice hmm very knowlegeble
What is the best thing about your friends? [Starsailor - Born again]
PHOO, they have reoborning powers!! o.0
What is in store for this weekend? [Muse - The Small Print]
printing stuff eh.. wtf...
What song describes you? [The Smashing Pumpkins - Disarm]
Im disarmed??!!?!? like duh man i wish i had weapons though..
To describe your grandparents? [Chester Tan - Pacific Dreams]
Of course what, they are old, and always want to be in a nice retreat to rest..=.=

Evirobbed at:, 12:28 AM


16 years

The Chats

The Pasts