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Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Dead now. Alive in December.


o.0 =x xD =D

Evirobbed at:, 10:52 PM

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Today is a semi-interesting day.
I know i have sinned, i know i have done bad but i WAS TOO F***ing BORED i could die.
So i played generals zero hour, played against 2 japanese people, my teammate was
an American o.0
What can i say he sucked. He was just my shield i guess =.= while my troops got
nice and ready. I fear the japanese, so far in my history books they won me
4 times...4 TIMES!!! =.=
Well this time lucky lucky win lor. I would even count this game as a fluke.
I thrashed your japanese ass xD Then at night, guess who decided to play, my cousin.
As usual he lost. Badly. Can anyone offer me some challenge =.=
Ok no boasting, later i end up losing. I love C&C.

Anyone suggest any RTS lim bei wanna try..


I'm Owning are you?

Yeah! Blast Away


Evirobbed at:, 11:51 PM

Thursday, July 13, 2006

A hormone secreted by the adrenal medulla that is released into the bloodstream in response to physical or mental stress, as from fear or injury. It initiates many bodily responses, including the stimulation of heart action and an increase in blood pressure, metabolic rate, and blood glucose concentration. Also called adrenaline.
We get them from many things that we do. Sometimes we don't even
realise we are in adrenaline. One of the most easiest way to get it, Speed.
Pure speed. Pure adrenaline. People seek adrenaline to wake themselves up.
Some seek for the fun of it. Well, for people at our age, there's really only a few things that we could get this rush. Namingly, roller coaster rides,
high speed drives in your father's car hopefully not getting caught,
or the traditional 2 wheels of fury, the bicycle. Most people dont't
realize that with only 2 wheels one could actually pass more than 50km/h
and it's proven (well it's because i was mad enough to experience it for myself).
After that rush has gone into your head, you actually feel more connected to what's
around you. To put in simply, more alert.
Attaining adrenaline highs on wheels, bikes are just what you need.
Never has kinetic energy put to such great use, moreover just with 2 wheels,
peddaling furiously like pistons in an engine and feeling that wind that crashes onto
your face almost cutting(looking at the speedmeter which indicates 54km/h).
Well, you know bikes, it's just you and your bike, no huge chasis and frames to cover
your body, only you covering your bike, at that speed mistakes are costly.
Basically, never underestimate your legs, and that one
heck of a aluminium monster with 2 wheels.

Stay alert, Ride safe. =x

Evirobbed at:, 11:13 PM

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Reminiscing The Old Times
Remember those days where you are running all around the concourse then into
the basketball court and to the field then finally the carpark to finally say
"catch..". Those were the days when we were young and innocent.
Primary school, it's been long since i ever reminisce about those days.
In the shorts, the playful attitude and then to the slow progression of maturing
in primary 6. The teachers no doubt, are still in my mind. They helped, scolded
and taught us loads of stuff which at the age of 12, well didnt really meant much.
Well, this little rant, thinking about the past and relating back to
our lives right now. Primary to Secondary. The things that are changing, have changed
and about to change. It's just becoming either a nightmare or a wondeful dream.
It's already July and the day of judgement just keeps on closing in on all the
Secondary 4 students. After the O's it's almost a life of our own.
JC or Poly? It's a choice that's......
Well, about life right now...it's real stagnant. It all revolves only on one
thing. Until that day has passed, it's just really dark clouds and dead air.
Just a few more months....
Somehow i don't really know why i keep talking D-Day. o.0
Hmmm, well there is something that is worth mentioning.
For those who have read the last column that Mr Brown have written in Today Newspaper
The Ministry of Information and the arts or something like that,
have written a letter to Mr Brown about the article he has written.
And to think the g***** is righteous in the public's eyes.
I'm not going to comment any futher just in case i happen to see red and blue
lights flashing outside tonight when im having dinner. But just to say, gahmen don't
drain the greens and don't slack. Need to find out more, i guess you IT savvy
people are able to go research on your own. Mr brown should be allowed to return
to the Today Newspapers.
Er, i guess that's about all im gonna post for today. Back to studies.
Tests are horrid.

Evirobbed at:, 6:05 PM

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Nothing Much
Alright, i really don't know why i am actually writing something when
i have nothing to write about o.0
So what have i got to talk about? Nothing...
Gah life really is on the down side now....
Oh well.

Evirobbed at:, 11:10 PM

Friday, July 07, 2006

Sick Days
Ever since the holidays or so called holidays ended, it wasn't exactly smooth flowing.
The feared examinations closing everyday by the days, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds.
It isn't exactly the most interesting week. Well i'll just give a little short update.
study.study.study.study.study.cycle.study.study.study.study.Retired from NCC.study.
study.study.study.study.Newphone.study.study.study.study.chinese o'lvl oral on 10th of july.study.study.worldcup dissapointment.study.study.study.study.study.
Yeap that pretty much sums it all up.

Evirobbed at:, 10:54 PM


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