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Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Today, yes it is my birthday =x
but bah doesn't feel good. I guess it must be the reason that the O'lvls Chinese
paper is coming up and i'm revising like mad to ace that damn subject.
After that paper i plan to have a post party just to relax and chill i guess.
But, only for a day. I hope that the paper won't be like hellish.
SA1 was pure crap. The whole exam is gone like the wind. Flunked it till it
can't be flunked anymore. I feel bad cause it was the worst done SA1 ever.
Today, at least i felt a bit better. When to Joel's house to chill.
WOO the classic way to enjoy, cup noodles and anime to watch.
We watched Full Metal Panic. It was one heck of a funny anime!! xD
After the chilling at Joel's place went back home and prepared as my parents were
going to bring me out for dinner. My brother got me a nike watch which i never seen
before, guess it was one of the latest models o.0 lol i don't really know.
Well, thats all from my day. Doesn't feel like a birthday but i can feel the spirit
of it. Till next post.

Evirobbed at:, 11:15 PM

Friday, May 19, 2006

Ah..today was really one hoing day. Went through not only track 15 but also Bukit
Timah Mountain Biking Trail. Let's see well can't really say much. Pictures speak a
thousand words. Here are the pictures from the ride. Anyone interested to join in
the next ride xD

the trail is located at the start of mandai zoo. Just a little in and
you'll be able to see it. The sign really felt very wrong o.0

Track 15's entrance

Protected!? Yeah right!

The abandoned gaurd house

Mandai Range gunshots were heard. I guess there was training going on

The Armed Forces, it was the rifle range. Today there was training going on

Wei Sheng and his Giant

Me and my Giant xP

We could see the expressway from the trail

Done by the ATB riders

Checkpoint 1 some plant of some sort lol don't wanna go into detail

Another picture of the plant

Smile dude

The Path Ahead don't know what to expect o.0

Yeah Rifle Range Road we've reached taking a short breather. Twist! xD

Bukit Timah Mountain Bike Trail


Checkpoint 2 Resting spot

Self-Explainatory yet again

I've reached Bukit Timah woot!

Same here =.=

Looky here Zhenghua park wow o.0

Blocked path

Sleepy Bikes

Even GIANTs need rest

We even need to climb steps =.=

Wei Sheng stop posing lar xD

We owe to them for bringing us through the trail
Yup that's all the pictures i have taken during todays ride.
It was really fun but i adivse anyone who wants to go there for a ride
have at least a front suspension fork, strong legs and strong brakes.
I almost flipped at a downhill at bukit timah trail but lucky i have a strong grip
to the ground or else i could have been flinged off.
Well after the whole trail, the bikes dirty and us tired went down to King Albert Park for lunch at Mac'Donalds. Today was WS tan's birthday so yea wish him a happy
birthday if you know him.
Feeling satisfied after a hoing ride through the trails and a great lunch
we headed home and that's all for today.
Till next post. Ride on and live life with a smile.

Evirobbed at:, 10:36 PM

Friday, May 12, 2006

This week and last week have been total hell.
That's right, exams is one killer but still we go through it.
This week is the 2nd last week of the exams. After that, not really sure
what to do. I mean June, it's just going to be filled with remedials.
I hope my marks will be okay...
Got nothing to talk about lately cause mothing has been going on.
The days just pass by day after day after day.
Well just post this for keeping my blog alive i guess..
Right, my Dad bought this bag of cheeseballs from somewhere i don't know
the packaging is just incredible. You know what i mean when you look at

Till Next Post...

Evirobbed at:, 2:06 AM


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