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Thursday, March 30, 2006

Hasn't been a good week as usual. Always feeling tired with all
the heavy loads of homework and revision to do. I sometimes or for the matter of fact
wish that this would stop. At least i heard some really funny jokes this week.
Some are kind of racist but i guess its ok to have a good luagh
once in a while to lighten the spirit. Please im not racist. =x
Here are some i thought was the best to share. Enjoy. xD
There was this boy, after class the teacher told the class to go
find out what the word "politics" was.
So the boy went home and asked his Dad for the meaning.
His father told him,"Son, take it this way. Im the government, your Mom's
the politician, your maid is the worker and your baby brother is the future."
So that night, the boy heard his baby brother crying, he went to go
check on him to find out that his baby brother had crapped in his daipers
and is now full of shit. He went to call his Mom, but she was asleep so
he didn't want to disturb her. He went to find his father
to realize, his father was having sex with the maid.
The next day, his father asked him if he understood what politics was.
The boy said,"I understand. Politics would mean, when the government
is screwing the workers, the politicians are asleep on the job and
that our future is full of shit." xD
Qn: What situation do you find yourself in when you see your television
floating away in the middle of the night?
Ans: Your television set is being carried away by an indian
well that's it folks, remember sometimes you just gotta get a good laugh
to brighten up the day. Cheers!

Evirobbed at:, 9:45 PM

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Sunday again, 26 of march 2006.
Quite a crappy week, nothing much happened.
This whole week was a really tiring one.
There was so much to do. It could really kill.
Worst of all my saturday felt like a friday. Guess it was
because my whole saturday was full of school activities.
Other than that nothing much to talk about.
Till the next post..stay alive..Cheers!! xD

Evirobbed at:, 11:32 PM

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Nothing much happen this week up till now.
News has it that Jun Bin A.K.A Airpork has started smoking.
I will fucking kill him if i have to. Sorry, but i detest smokers.
Other than that, its been pretty boring in school.
Leaving you all with a video enjoy.
Kings Of Convenience-Live Performance
Better to turn your volume up, these two guys are amazing guitarists.

Cheers. Peace out.

Evirobbed at:, 10:20 PM

Sunday, March 19, 2006

WOOT! Guess what people...today is Sunday 19/03/06.
That's right..tomorrow school officially reopens. Sucks to say
it but hey it's a fact. Imagine all the people rushing through
all that holiday homework including myself =x
Today sucked. Just an ordinary day. Cleaned up my bike after that ride
through T15.
I'll talk about saturday. Hmmm, it was an interesting day
cause it was the first time i attended a chruch session.
Because it was Saturday, it was a youth session. It was from 5pm
to 9pm. I stayed till only bout 820pm cause my parents were calling.
It was a really interesting and inspiring session and experience for me.
These people really love Jesus. Jerry asked me to come for this event
and so i did. When i went in, I was warmly greeted and welcomed.
I felt like woah, friendly to the max. Then, they gave me this
souvinier pack and a name tag. And so they directed me to the main hall.
The people were singing praise and worship songs. Guess who was the
drummer, JERRY lol. Then after all the songs, there was a skit,
it was funny and interesting, picked up a funny quote from that skit
"Its like you are a deranged pokemon on drugs".
After the skit, the preacher came up and spoke to us about choices in life.
He was a guest speaker, and his birthland was Africa.
After that, there was a buffet. I didn't really eat much.
The people at chruch are so so friendly. Well i was a total stranger there.
Slowly, Jerry introduced me to a few people there.
WOOT! now i know, Nigel, Sheila, the girl who gave me the souvineir pack, Arrun,
Christian(he's from phillipines and plays the piano cool), and a few more.
I really feel like going back every Saturday because it's so much fun.
Well, i got to prepare mentally though, converting is not a small matter.
Life...sighs...oh well. That's all for today leaving you all with
2 photos of the stuff they gave me. xD Sad that i did not bring my camera there
if not there would be more xD
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Evirobbed at:, 9:30 PM

Friday, March 17, 2006

Today was one heck of a tiring day.
Today was cycling day. Well usual stuff in the morning,
then rushed to prepare for the ride. The objective was T15.
T15 being a famous trail for riders. Right, so i went out at around 1048am.
Went to the nearest petrol station to pump my tires. After that,
started to make my way to Sun Plaza which was the meeting
point. Met up with Wei Sheng, then after he settled his money stuff with
Shirley and Jun Mei. Then, we started the ride to T15. We had to cycle down
to Yishun first to ask the local bike shop for directions for the trail.
After we got directions, which was said to be near Mandai Zoo.
SO, we headed down for Mandai Zoo. Halfway through, we took at a break at
Mandai resoirvoir, which was a nice place to chill cause the scenery was nice.
After the short break, we continued looking for T15. We rode and rode,
then we went all the way in stopping at times to ask people for directions,
we continued until we ended up at Mandai Zoo which was right at the end of
the road, we felt something was wrong cause the trail still can't be
found. So, we thought what the heck, stomachs growling in hunger,
so we stopped at the Zoo for lucnh at KFC =D
The Zoo has changed a lot, including the front entrance, the interior, we
don't know cause we didn't want to spend money going in.
At around 3pm we continued to search for T15. We backtracked, until we saw
this van parked at a corner, so we went up to the uncle in
the van and asked him if we could borrow the street directory.
So he lent it to us and then we have found it. IT WAS ALL THE WAY BACK
AT THE ENTRANCE. We realized we overshot all the way into the Zoo
without realizing the trail was actually there xD
So we went back to the starting with the giant Mandai Zoo sign outide
that says "Zoo 1.5Km".
And we saw the trail at last. We stood in front of the trail
with the open gates there. Hmmm well i tried to find a picture of the
T15, i guess this is the best i could get.
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Credits to togoparts.com and the riders. At night..wow..
This picture shows the second gate that we came across.
T15 used to be a military zone cause of all the signs and stuff.
On the way to the gate, there were many army signs saying warning this
warning that. We proceeded slowly with caution in case there were snipers =x
When we came to the second gate we had to climb over it. After we got over
we could continue th trail. It felt great, cause we were cycling on
protected zone xD But was kind of lonely cause there were two of us
but guess i was wrong when we came across another fellow rider, he was
a professional rider and is local.
The trail was hella fun and is a offroad trail so it was damn "hoing"
Woot! All that gravel and rocks and all sorts of offroad stuff, it
was an amazing experience for me and Wei Sheng.
After we reached the end of the trail we landed up in Bukit Panjang
Chua Chu Kang area. We took a while to get out of there cause we didnt know the area
all that well. Then we used the Bukit Timah route and then reached
Macritchie and we are home free. This bike ride was my longest and most
"hoing" one. LIM BEI KA LI KONG SIBEI FUN MAN! but it was tiring still
the experience is unforgettable.
Well i took some shots of our ride so here they are enjoy.
This is taken and Sun Plaza bus interchange(meeting point)
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These are taken when we were resting at the Mandai Resoirvoir
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After we finished the trail(Bukit Panjang, CCK area)
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A happy Wei Sheng WS TAN
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And here are the records of the ride. Thanks to my cateye Enduro 8 =D
Dist. Travelled - 71.43km
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Max speed - 51.5km/h
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Time taken - 4hrs 43mins
Image hosting by Photobucket
Till next post! Cheers! Glen out.

Evirobbed at:, 10:13 PM

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Today is Tuesday well i mean Wednesday. Ok nevermind, around 27mins ago
it was Tuesday. xD
Anyways, today was just another sleepy day.
Played Command & Conquer Generals: Zero Hour throughout the whole day
,rocks, thrashed all the other generals in challenge mode xD.
Well after that i just took a little nap.
You know, i find something really weird going on. All of a sudden,
there are a number of pretty girls popping out of nowhere in the
tuition centre i study at. I sort off can't concentrate properly anymore.
Oh well, i got to control those temptatation. Well, i do want to
know them a bit hehe.
But hey i'm a socialble guy =P
so just watch your back. I mean it. This has gone too far. Joel has
been already suaned enough, we had a fair share of fun now its
time to stop.
Hmmm...let's see anything else to talk about....
Ah yes i was browsing through blogs and found this in
Shannon's blog. It was very interesting,
May 22~31 Lion
If you are a Lion: Quite contradictory to your name, you are a peace loving person. You best try to avoid a situation wherein you are required to fight. An outdoor person, you dislike sitting at one place for a long duration. You are a born leader, and have it in you how to tactfully derive work from people. You love being loved, and when you receive your share of limelight from someone, you are all theirs!!!! Well, well... hence some people could even take an advantage, flatter you to the maximum and get their work done. So be careful....
It's really interesting....
Cool thing you posted Shannon. Check his blog(link on right side) out to find out
what kind of animal you are according to your birthday. xD
OK that's all folk! Cheers.

Evirobbed at:, 12:26 AM

Monday, March 13, 2006

Woah! Today, was such an interesting day. Well, the day started off with my POA
It lasted from 1030am to 1200pm.
After that, i headed down to Thomson Plaza to get the guitar
string for Joel. The string i was getting was the thinnest among the six
so it snaps easily, and thus i have to get a new one for Joel. Acoustic *sighs*.
So, after i got to Joel's house. I was damn shocked to see my Mei in there. WOOT!
Don't worry imaginations didn't run wild in my head.
Well after that, i settled down to start restringing and tune the guitar into good
shape. The sound is sweet. xD
Hanged around until bout 5pm, then we had to escort someone back home.
Ok...maybe it wasn't really escorting but a walk around the neighbourhood to
get a bit of fresh air after bring cooped up
in the room for so long.
Then, dropped by Shunfu Mart for a desert. ICE KACHANG! hadn't had it in a long
long time. I ordered a bowl that cost $2 cause i thought
the $1.20 wouldn't be much.
When it came, WOAH! we didn't expect such a gigantic bowl.
Eyes wide open. It was really huge. Got to see it to believe it.
The piture of the ice kachang will be posted on the next post.
After the desert, went back to Joel's block's void deck and did a bit of parkour.
Extreme man. xD
Then we went to this wall that we had trouble climbing. So we had to resort
to wall kick jumps. Then something unexpected happened. I don't want to say.
It was too outrageous. xD
After that, we were laughing our assesd off as we go up in the
Well after all that fun and laughter i went home still laughing in
my Dad's car.
And that's monday for you. Cheers!
Oh yeah, i have finally got my speed meter or also called cyclocomputer.
And here are the timings on my first use.
Distance travelled 4.89km
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Max speed 42.5km/h
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Time taken 15.1mins
Image hosting by Photobucket
Ok, thats all folks. Have a good day.

Evirobbed at:, 10:32 PM

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Sunday..what a day. Went to tuition after i woke up. Anyways, my friends and I went
to the St.Nick's Fair yesterday. The school is freaking huge.
There were many things set up there,
rides, stalls, arcades etc etc. It was really packed. Before this day,
there were many things to sort out, like coordinating the timing to meet,
that took a while because of SOMEONE'S wedding =x
But other than that nothing else cropped up. The thing that really impressed me was
that the school actually called in Ronin to perform for them. The lead singer looked
strange, with the white hair and all. Moreover, we saw him get dunked. Rocked.
The people who followed me were, Laurent he came the earliest cause he said he got nothing to do then Joel and Timothy. We met at the bus stop outside my house cause
it was the nearest to the school. When we reached the school, crowds, music and the DJ could be heard.
The drinks were expensive. $2 for a can. We toured the whole school.
I think its so big that we didn't cover the entire school yet.
After the whole fair, we all went back to my house and had dinner and played
and that's about it. Right...before someone goes senile again,
this blog skin, little little little bit of credit goes to Timothy(fag)*ahem*
Joel stayed pretty late cause his parents were somewhere i can't really remember...
Well i guess that's all. Cheers!

Evirobbed at:, 4:58 PM

Monday, March 06, 2006

Ok, people please ignore the times and dates and days of the posts.
A lot of timing has been screwed up so please just read the posts ignore the
date, day and time. Thank You. The timings and dates will be correct from this post
onwards. Thank You.

Evirobbed at:, 11:54 PM

Today was quite a bad day for me and not only me but a few of my friends as well.
Lucas lost his wallet, which me and Aloy and Elvin are still wondering
how the heck could the wallet just vanish into thin air.
As for me, i dont know why the heck i was feeling quite low.
I followed Aloy, Lucas and Elvin to the soccer court for a game
of soccer. MAN OH MAN so many bloody Ah Lians all scolding their vulgarities
and showing their er... never mind i shall not go into detail there.
But anyways, i guess the soccer game was a way to vent off anger or something like that, after the game, Aloysious and Elvin headed for Toa Payoh Central
while me and Lucas headed to Lucas' home for him to get changed and for me to
borrow Lucas' electric guitar. THANK YOU LUCAS! REALLY APPRECIATE IT!
Then we headed of for Toa Payoh Central.
We were kind of dissapointed at the fact that we actually arrived earlier than Aloy
and Elvin. Slow they are XP. I left first for home cause it was quite late
already. At this time and age, goodness....couples...couples and MORE @#$!$%&
couples, moreover they are at young ages. But heck, now generations have
advanced, i guess dating at a young age isnt all that bad
just gotta watch their studies. Bad thing about it, those bloody handphone sex
movies are giving a huge impact on young couples and parents would start to
over worry. Society nowadays, major dissapointment. It's just my personal
opinion so no offence. It's really just my observation of society
nowadays. ELECTRIC GUITAR ROXXORS! now i need to borrow a proper
amplifier. I tried using my DVD player mic plug in didnt sound so good =S
All and all today wasn't such a "bad" day but still it was bad to a certain extent
knowing the fact that there were 2 tests tomorrow couldn't make it any worse.
Oh well, life as a student can be bitter, can be sweet.
I hope Lucas finds his wallet... and i also hope that i can perform well
in the tests tomorrow. Alrite people thats all folks. Cheers!
*Rushes through notes and homework*

Evirobbed at:, 11:43 PM

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Another lazy Sunday. Well, I got nothing much to post today.
I guess i'll just tell you all about yesterday's happenings!
It's just your normal everyday Saturday. Finished my revision
then decided to go out for a ride.
Weather was ok, and definitely not going to rain. I started the ride
at around 1710hours. Cycled all the way to Yishun and back to Thomson and that
took around 1hr 30mins cause i was circling my cousin's estate =X
After that Ronald called me up said if i wanted to join Bryan's birthday BBQ.
So, of course i said yes. I mean who could resist free food xD
I started riding back to Thomson to meet up with Jerry because he just finished his chruch session.
At that time, it was already 1920hours. So we made our way down to Serangoon where
Bryan lives. We reached his place at around 1950hours so it was an
half hour ride. I can't believe that Jerry actually brought his hair wax there.
Damn his vainness =X but anyways there was great food prepared there.
Best of all, i got to play Bryan's electric guitar.
Rocks man!! I had no idea the electric could sound all soooo sweet!!
Im hoping i could get my own electric guitar soon haha!
Can't wait to own my own. then i can jam with my buddies haha !
After that, since Jerry and I rode all the way here we had to leave early.
So, we left at around 2110hours. Our parents weren't really happy,
since it was so late already and we weren't back yet.
When we were cycling home, it was really really....weird.
There were SO MANY couples and i mean a lot. Every 200metres we went there was a couple.
They were either walking, or on motorbikes. Then when we arrived at Bishan Park,
there were even more. But who can stop it, you can't blame the fact it was a
Saturday. Well, after all that we reached home at around 2210hours.
The total hours was around 5hrs 38mins. It's an estimated time.
It was quite cool really, being out that late still riding but
we had to face the wrath of our parents but heck, it was fun xD
Well thats all folks till next time, Cheers!

Evirobbed at:, 10:55 AM

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Arite people! My new layout is done in 30Minutes. How cool is that? Okay, fine nothing big anyway, another week of school has just paseed and what the heck!? it's already the month of March! Time is really scary.
Let's see...ok i shall summarise what went on this whole week
there were many tests so mugging mode was on the whole week,
there was a sweet crisis in my class. People were asking for sweets
here and there.
Pizza Hut worst place to dine in IF you are a student, it devours your wallet like as if its water.
Other than that nothing really much happened, just a anothere boring week passing by.
I hope next week would be a better week before the school closes for the holidays.
Alright till next time, Cheers everyone!

Evirobbed at:, 2:29 PM


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