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Sunday, December 11, 2005

hey hey hey!!
leaving for blue mountains today!! XD omg im so excited and
at the same time very worried i pray all goes well
and return home
well i gotta go now this is one short entry for ur info...
await my return on the 22dec wahahas
$381 richer after this trip WHAHAHAHAHAHS!!!!
cant wait well cya.

Evirobbed at:, 1:18 PM

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Christmas is comin!! yay and this month im goin to spend 1/3 of DECEMBER in sydney climbing some mountain tts blue haha!! lemme see wad are the recent events tt happen
first there was my frens birthday BBQ kinda fun yea, till BJ tan and the gang came
it really broke the mood i guess me joel and laurent were like juz chillin at the party
really wished i had brought my bike there T_T saddening oh wellz.
then there was my cousin BBQ which happen a day after Szejin's BBQ. it was onli for the young ones man yea to celebrate the end of exams i guess.
then nth much really happen then. What i have been doin this holidays are slacking and slacking and cycling, i really have to start doing some homework lols
well till nxt time
i wan a guitar for a christmas present Santa ill be waiting...

Evirobbed at:, 6:16 PM


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