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Wednesday, October 12, 2005

OMFG!! its like two months since i blogged..XP
so wassup ppl! lemme see i shall summarise the events so far
tmr is the start of SA2.. !? WTH its SA2 already!? yep its like true
its tt fast SA2 already
then i did fund raising for my blue mountain trip this december yay XD
nth much really happen lah
these two months were really boring, its like nth but studying and studying
haha guess wad im playing maple its like lol!!
i shall put these SS(screen shot) of me and my pals haha!!
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im a lvl 39 bowman (hunter) haha!! roxs to the core
well till nxt time which is after er...exams yea bye.
oh yar check out this phone its the sony ericsson K750i this phone im goin to get after exams muahahah!!
and a pic of myself taken by joel fast pace like hahaha
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Evirobbed at:, 12:29 PM


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