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Monday, August 29, 2005

yo sup everyone havent been bloggin cuz of triedness and business u noe wad i mean
lot of study and work and playing lol!!
anyway now is the CA2 period best thing is,,,its coming to an end yayness
ill be bloggin nxt month
keepin y'll updated ppl
cant wait for holidays
playin pool and maple story lol!!

Evirobbed at:, 9:02 PM

Thursday, August 18, 2005

wassup!! today lemme see i wonder what i did today
nth much i guess..bah i forgot to return my library books tts real fuked up i say
planning to get the master grade wing custom zero gundam soon
hahaha im skating again!!

Evirobbed at:, 6:33 AM

Sunday, August 14, 2005

wassup!! today went for the flag day thing
u noe charity and stuff collected quite a amount cant really count cuz cant see the coins inside XD!! bout 1230pm moved to plaza singapura for a little racing hahaha!!!
im the expert using the RX-8 from mazda its fast yea!! somehow im kinda like hooked on to this game at the arcade...lol!! its called Maximum Tune roxs yea!!
well after bout 3pm headed down back to bishan collected more donations and returned the bag wif all the donations had lunch and went back home haha simple day i guess
lol!! until nxt time

Evirobbed at:, 11:09 AM

Saturday, August 13, 2005

phew finally my new blog is done. after weeks of searching, hours of typin finally its done. this is seriously perfect for me its cool man. my previus blogs were like shit and was in a complete disaster
but now my new blog is up and running. im juz so happy!! XD
haha today went to the carnival @ marina it was kinda fun loads of army stuff..hehehe....i like! but we only got like 2 hrs to see the whole damn place which of course wasnt enough me and my frens were like looking around and we saw the mystical arcade and there was maximum tune in there man!! we went and played as no teachers were following us. haha my Class 3E6 got a lot of racers including me with my machine the RX-8!! haha!! but i decided not to stay too long juz in case the teachers ask many many questions. so decided to play safe and went out to go look around the carnival. a lot of stuff i muz say. guns, models of ships and planes, army personal walking all bout the place and loads more..
tts how my day went by juz a another normal day. guess wad me and my frens went into the arcade wearing u noe wad. it was like a miracle tt we can actually go in wearing u noe wad. okok fine the u now wad is our school uniform.lol
well nth much to say anymore
until the nxt time

Evirobbed at:, 10:56 AM

Thursday, August 11, 2005

its a day after national day..
i was part of the celebrations yesterday as a participant.
i was like a drummer lol XD kinda fun la actually
got to see the fireworks it was awesome and cool then loads of girls to glance at haha of course im a contolled guy. muhahaha!!
too bad i nvr take pics of the fireworks *sadness*
this is a new blog as im trying to make this one the nicest of all
the previous one u can say it was a disaster..
leaving y'all a pic of my MG(master grade) freedom gundam tt i completed of 7-8-2005
took 14hrs55mins in juz a day. yay.
Image hosted by Photobucket.com

Evirobbed at:, 11:12 AM


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